10 Ways to Stay Motivated to Exercise

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Inserting fitness into your daily routine can be tricky. By eliminating distractions and setting yourself up to succeed, training days become fun, and managing them becomes easy. Here are ten ways to get motivated to exercise and stay engaged!

1) Do What You Enjoy

If your workouts don't refresh and excite you, you probably don't like the exercises you're doing. Perhaps the clang and bang of weights are intimidating, but you feel mighty kick ass in fitness boot camp. Find the activities that work best for you. Swimming, biking, (kick)boxing, hiking, running, and even yoga are excellent ways to get your daily fitness. When done regularly, these activities will help get and keep your heart and body in great shape!

2) Get a Partner or Join a Group

For many, having the support is the difference between success and failure. With no fitness support system, you may find it easy to give up when no one holds you accountable. Being part of a movement with like-minded people with the same fitness goals will help them achieve these goals and stay focused. You'll also enjoy the social aspects of fitness with added accountability. Having a partner or being in a group may awaken your competitive side and give you enough confidence to engage in some friendly competition. That's never a bad thing!

3) Dedicate Space at Home

All you need is a little space and opportunity to make fitness a part of your active lifestyle! A 6x6 area should work for most, but make the space that works for you. Let this be your designated training area, and get used to using that space for exercise. Living rooms, bedrooms, patios, home offices, and garages are common areas for fitness equipment. A yoga mat, balance ball, jump rope, and a kettlebell or a set of dumbbells will provide everything you need for a great workout at home. These tools are perfect at every fitness level, with extra points for affordability and portability. You can take your equipment everywhere, which leads me to the next point...

4) Take it Outdoors

Go outside and get some vitamin D! Have you ever trained in a park or in the yard? You may appreciate the change in scenery, or you might love the fresh air. Either way, the benefits of training outdoors are huge! This is especially true in the COVID era, where many people feel trapped indoors. Beyond physical fitness, outdoor workouts enhance the mood and provide a necessary boost to mental health.

5) Watch a Fitness Documentary

There are so many to choose from, and streaming services have too many options. I have to say that The Game Changers lit a big fire under my ass to make changes to how I eat and train. Now, I make (what I see as) better food choices and am much more receptive to foods that don't contain meat. I've lost 40 pounds, have more energy, and, most importantly, can feel the positive changes. Notable films include Pumping Iron, with cameos by Arnold Schwarzenegger and Lou Ferrigno, Forks Over Knives, What the Health?, and My Big Fat Body, featuring the late Frank Payne. Although I don't always agree with the tone or themes in these documentaries, I find the information relevant and inspiring, too.

6) Set Your Power Playlist

Have you ever been at the point during your workout where you can't go on? That is until your jam comes on and you tap into mysterious energy reserves. It's like that, and you stay powered up for 30, 60, even 90 minutes! A dope soundtrack will power your workout and keep you upbeat, energetic, and focused. Handle that playlist, then go put the hurt on some work!

7) Set Goals and Make a Plan

Working out without setting goals and planning is like taking a cross-country trip without planning the route. Set the foundation and stick to the plan to realize results. Doing so will make workouts more efficient and help your body adapt to the challenges presented by training. There's nothing more motivating than feeling and seeing changes after putting in the hard work! There's nothing less motivating than wandering around the gym with no purpose.

8) Treat Yourself

There's nothing wrong with external motivation. Most of us desire and appreciate rewards, so treat yourself if you're into fashion and like shopping, new workout clothes might be the spark to get you going. As your mind and body change, you may find yourself in need of an upgrade. Maybe your favorite dessert is the best reward. That's fine, but don't allow your treat to cancel your progress or gains. The occasional rogue meal won't set you back much. But, if you treat yourself to an ice cream sundae after every training session, you might want to find an alternate reward.

9) Be Flexible

Let's face it, life has a way of derailing or creating obstacles for any plan-- especially our fitness plans. When something has to give, and you've decided its fitness, don't punish yourself. Missing a day or even a week of training will not ruin your progress. Let's be clear: you will miss training days, have periods where you lack motivation, and times when you don't stick to the plan. It's all good, and you're not a failure. The ones who achieve the best results find alternate ways to get after it or adjust and continue pushing forward. Regardless.

10) Hire a Personal Trainer

What?!? You didn't think I'd forget that part, did you? I would disservice you (and myself) without recommending that you find the right personal trainer to stay motivated. It's the business that we're in, and we will help you set goals and beat them! Not only that, we empower clients and encourage habits that stick throughout your fitness journey. A personal trainer will keep you accountable and create positive progress you can see and feel. A good coach will help bring out the best in you! Hire me right away!

Start here if you have trouble staying motivated and can't keep your head in the game. I hope these tips help you end the rut and create the right training situation. Leave a comment below and let me know how you stay motivated and how these tips helped you get back in the game!